Movie Monday: Skydiving the Namib Desert in Swakopmund Namibia
We’re going to mix things up a bit this Monday, getting away from wildlife and focusing more on adventure. Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of conversations around skydiving: people wanting to try it, some who have already booked it, people who would never consider doing it, and those talking about how amazingly awesome their experience was. Personally, I’m very glad I jumped out of a plane over the Namib desert. If I hadn’t been attached to someone else, though, I might not have gone through with that final push. Check it out!
We used Ground Rush Adventures and were very pleased with our experience. They were professional and fun, and we also felt very safe in their care.
Have you ever been skydiving? Do you want to go? Where would you go? People tend to want mountains, ocean or desert for their skydiving expereince. Or does the location even matter? Would the Namib Desert be your choice?