How to accessorize your dog for fall
I found some more photos on my iPhone from our hike last Saturday in Edwin Warner Park. Accessorizing your pet for fall is fairly easy and very inexpensive. Simply:
- Collect ideal fall leaf specimens.
- Arrange said specimens around your pets collar. Here, I threaded the leaf stems through Jager’s collar and choke leash.
- Overlap different color leaves so that each one stands out.
- Carry some replacements in hand for when the leaves inevitably slowly start to fall out.
You will receive compliments galore!
Use the same steps to create your own fall flare!!
Here are a few more fall foliage shots from that day. Take note of the dominant yellow color.
This is on our streetThis is our back yard.Well, this about wraps it up for the fall foliage posts. Next week will be focused on the tropics, so stop on by!I’m heading to Thailand tomorrow and will be traveling around Southeast Asia for the next month. I will try to post live whenever I have access to wifi, but I will also have pre-written posts scheduled. Please visit the Traveluster for more tips and tales, and feel free to leave feedback and comments!Have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by!xLindsay