Exploring Hongs in Phang Nga Bay
Phang Nga Bay is chalk-full of caves and hongs. Hong in Thai means room and is used to denote a hollow island, somewhat like a cave without a ceiling. There is usually a small entrance, and once inside, you find yourself surrounded by walls, almost like being inside a giant caldera.
Alan, Cameron and I discovered a massive hong. I swear, it was straight out of Lost. We found a fresh water stream right off the bat and followed it along the outskirts of the inside wall. Like an ancient walled city protected from enemies, this part of the island was walled-in naturally. There were beaches along the stream (perfect to set up camp) and mangrove forests sheltering plenty of wildlife. We started discussing what our first steps would be if we were stranded here: collect clean water in coconuts, create spears to fish, make fire somehow…. No photos from this hong, as we swam to the beach entrance, but we visited many other (mostly water) hongs.
Thanks for stopping by! Be on the lookout for another post this afternoon.