
The Do’s and Don’ts of Visiting Dubai

Ever wondered what it’s like to visit Dubai? If you haven’t yet visited this exciting city, you might wonder if there are any things you should or shouldn’t do while you’re there. From wearing proper attire to tipping at restaurants, there are certain things that you need to know when visiting Dubai, such as the list of don’ts below.


DO plan your itinerary

The city is vast and it’s easy to get lost in a crowd. In order to really experience all that Dubai has to offer, you should take time in advance to plan your itinerary. Its feeling amazing to play australian online casino real money from a tent or villa.


DO book in advance

Booking a hotel in advance is always worth it, especially for trips to popular holiday destinations such as Dubai. If you’re lucky, you might find some great deals. For example, why not choose one of our cheap hotels in Dubai? This will ensure that you get your ideal location and price. Oh – if you’re planning on heading to a festival or special event while in town, booking well ahead will allow you to snap up tickets before they sell out!


DO shop around

There’s a lot of variety in everything from gold to real estate. Prices tend to fluctuate more so than in most other major cities around the world,


making bargaining not just an option but a necessity for travelers hoping to get their money’s worth.


DO take safety precautions when needed

The United States Department of State has issued a travel advisory for all U.S. citizens traveling to or living in all Middle Eastern countries that read: According to current information, Al-Qaeda, its affiliated organizations, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks against the United States.


DON’T litter

littering is a crime in Dubai. It’s best to throw the trash into trash bins rather than on the floor. First-time offenders can be fined as much as $250,000. If you’re a repeat offender, you could end up in jail! The last thing you want is to spend your vacation in one of these accommodations. Be courteous to your host country while you are visiting – clean up after yourself!


DON’T go to bars

While it might be tempting to visit one of these glamorous spots, keep in mind that if you’re not at least 21 years old, you cannot legally drink alcohol. If you’re visiting Dubai on business, there are plenty of other activities to fill your free time (and not break any laws). Take in a sunset


at The Palm Jumeirah by catching a boat ride or enjoy a water show along Waterfront Avenue. There are also plenty of museums around town. You can play online casino games for real money without going bars.


DON’T criticize local customs and traditions

You are visiting a foreign country, so it is best to follow local customs. If you don’t have something nice to say about a local custom or tradition, then simply don’t talk about it. Criticizing local customs in front of someone could insult that person, as well as others who live there.


DON’T be rude to locals

Locals are often accustomed to dealing with tourists, but that doesn’t mean they should be treated any differently than you would expect to be treated at home. It’s no secret that travel can make you a little tired and grouchy, but your attitude towards locals could reflect poorly on both you and your countrymen.


Don’t Violate the Traffic Rules

Dubai has world-class freeways but limited traffic-signal crossings, meaning there are a lot more drivers jockeying for position than you’ll find in most U.S. cities. Be patient while driving in Dubai—it takes time to get used to doing doughnuts on your steering wheel just to change lanes!

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