I’m Busy Having a Baby
So, maybe not at this very moment, but very soon, I am having a baby!
My due date was actually yesterday, and I have a feeling she might surprise us at any moment, so I wanted to go ahead and queue up this farewell post. I’m not really going anywhere. I’m just taking a little break… a maternity leave, if you will. I think it’s important for me to focus on family right now and work as little as possible, while I make room for a new and exciting priority in my life!
We saw this baby turtle 2 days ago. Alan (my husband) thought it was a sign that baby was coming. Same goes for the two baby woodpeckers we keep seeing.
Not to worry. I have some excellent guest posts from travel blogger friends lined up for the next several weeks! You’ll read about Malaysia’s Thaipusam Festival, where men slip in to a trance-like state and stick needles in their faces! Or what about a Gypsy Horse Fair or a Canadian Rodeo (who’d have thought??)? You think pad-thai and green curry are the extent of great Thai food? Think again, and check out some new and exciting Thai dishes! Also get a glimpse of the ultimate Bengali experience with Durga Puja, a “mega carnival” in Calcutta.
One of her first ultrasounds
I normally don’t get too personal on this site, although, ironically, the few extremely personal and heart-felt posts I’ve written have been my most popular. Time to think of a paradigm shift? We’ll see….
I write about life’s journeys and discoveries through travel. What is having a child if not the ultimate journey? And of course, we plan to take her on actual, physical journeys- starting this September! We’re going to Montana!!
Mom, Me, Mimi (grandmother). Who will baby girl resemble? We’ll soon see!
So, stay tuned! The site may shift ever so slightly and grow in to a new, more focused niche. However, I will always write about culture, as that is my life’s passion. Teaching my baby girl about the cultures of the world will be a new, lofty but very achievable goal.
She’ll learn about foods, festivals, belief systems, traditions, and various human behaviors. My hope is for her to be open-minded, tolerant, curious, and to fall in love with the world and its peoples as I did at a very young age. Oh, and I hope she’s funny. Life isn’t quite as wonderful without a great sense of humor.
I’m excited about the new direction my life and subsequently this site will take. I hope all of you continue to journey along with me!
Also, please feel free to follow me on Facebook, Google +, Instagram and Twitter for a few updates of baby girl’s journey into the world!